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Gerardo Vilcamiza

Hi, I am a Mechatronics Engineer from the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, where I work as a researcher in the fascinating world of satellites and Artificial Vision. Now, I am finishing a Master in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Buenos Aires, broadening my horizons in this revolutionary area. To combine my passion for teaching and my experience in the technological field, during the last 4 years I have been teaching Python programming focused on Machine Learning and Digital Signal Processing. In addition, in the last 3 years I have worked as a Data Engineer and Data Scientist in a multinational company, roles that have allowed me to design and implement innovative solutions in the industry. My commitment to technology outreach has led me to share my experiences in various academic and professional events, including talks at IEEE conferences in Peru, Mexico and Colombia, presentations at business events for the technology industry and outstanding participations for the Python Peru community as a speaker at Python Meetup #2 and PyDay Peru 2023.