AIdeaText, visualización de mapas semánticos


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AIdeaText is an innovative digital resource designed to improve the writing skills of students at any educational level through the Central Resonance Analysis (CRA) technique, based on the identification of textual “centers” -mainly nouns- that are crucial to the meaning of the text. Through a structured four-step process: selection, indexing, linking and application, AIdeaText analyzes documents in an unsupervised way, highlighting the most relevant noun phrases. Through the visualization of semantic maps, this project not only facilitates a deeper understanding of academic texts, but also offers a practical tool to improve writing, allowing users to visualize and reinforce the coherence and thematic relevance of their work. Its instrumentalization, in its desktop version [] as well as its online version []; was possible thanks to the versatility of Python [and PyoDide, too] and the different libraries available such as NLTK, spaCy; spacy-stanza as well as networkX and many others.