Powering Your Data Pipelines: An Introduction to Dagster and DBT in the Age of Modern Architectures


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In today's world of data analytics and data processing at scale, efficient management of data pipelines is crucial. In this talk, we will explore two powerful tools that are transforming the way we design, execute and monitor our data flows: Dagster and DBT. From dependency management to data transformation in a warehouse like Snowflake, we will discover why these tools are fundamental in modern data architectures.1. Introduction to the Key Concepts (pipelines): 5 min. Give a start and introduction to the fundamental concepts that you must have knowledge of to use these tools such as What is a pipeline, DAG, Jinja templates among others? 2. What is Dagster? 5 min. Introduction to what is Dragster as a tool to create ETL's. 3. 3. Why DBT? 5 min. Introduction to what DBT is as a tool to create ETL's using SQL and all the advantages it offers such as lineage and entity creation without the need to use any programming language. 4. Comparison with Other Solutions 10 min. -Give a comparison with tools such as airflow, prefect, panda data pipeline. -What are their advantages over each other. 5. Questions and conclusions 5 min.