Micro python - Python for embedded (Microcontrollers)


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I intend it to be a workshop where attendees can venture into the world of embedded systems using micro-python as programming language. The mechanics of the workshop would be: - Installing Micropython on microcontrollers (ESP8266, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico) - “hello world” / Blink - Inputs and outputs - Connecting to a wifi network - Creating a Wifi network from the microcontroller (ESP8266 - ESP32) - Reading sensors - Creating a TCP Socket - Controlling screens / displays - Controlling loads - Creating applications for the internet of things IOT - Motika : Motika is a board designed by us (CVR ELECTRONICA) Based on the ESP8266 microcontroller which is focused on control, automation and home automation applications (I will give one away at the talk 😁) You can see more information about the project here: https://www. cvrelectronica.com/motika/. I will bring some microcontrollers and other materials needed for the development of the workshop in a practical way. In case of being a large group groups will be put together if there is the possibility.