How to simulate Python services for free with AWS in your local environment


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In an increasingly cloud-centric world, local development and testing is critical to ensure the efficiency and productivity of development teams. LocalStack is a tool that allows us to simulate cloud services, especially from AWS, in our own local environment. In this talk , we will explore how LocalStack can benefit your local training and development by providing a near-identical experience to the AWS cloud, all while saving money and improving productivity. We will focus on key services such as S3, Lambda and others to show their usefulness in development and testing scenarios. 1) Introduction to AWS (5 min): For the introduction we will address what AWS is, its importance and the cloud. 2) The advantages and disadvantages of working in the cloud (5 min): Some problems that companies may face when they decide to migrate to the cloud. 3) Limitations of cloud learning and how localstack can help to close learning gaps and save costs in the development environments of companies (15 min): Unraveling of the talk and explanation of what is local stack. 4) Conclusions (5 min)