Menos JavaScript y más Python con HTMX


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Modern web applications often face challenges when the backend and frontend are written in different stacks, requiring careful synchronization to prevent errors and discrepancies. In this talk, we will explore the concept of employing HTMX, a powerful JavaScript library, to leverage the benefits of dynamic sites within a traditional web application powered mainly by Python. We will discuss how HTMX enables AJAX requests, handles dynamic page updates, and simplifies form submissions, all without sacrificing the core integrity of the backend and frontend contract. Using a Flask web application as our primary example, we will dive into the integration process, demonstrating how HTMX seamlessly complements existing Python-based stacks. Concrete examples will showcase the potential of HTMX in real-time updates, interactive user interfaces, and enhancing live search functionality. Join us to discover how HTMX can accelerate web development, reduce JavaScript complexity, and bridge the gap between backend and frontend technologies in a dynamic manner. Agenda: 1. Introduction (2 min) 2. Motivation for HTMX (5 min) 3. Demo (15 m) 4. Use Case & Challenges (4 min) 5. FAQ (4 min) 6. Q&A (10 min)